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Old 12-09-2020, 05:14 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by hd333 View Post
I am in no way saying the country needs to be shut down, quite the opposite. What I am saying is some common sense needs to be used.

I’m not saying sports is the issue.

Let the kids play sports, all sports, let the parents watch, but the parents need to use some common sense and spread out and set some guidelines.

You’re telling me that you don’t see cars full of kids in between games, or parents hanging out drinking and not social distanced pre/post game? I’m not necessarily talking high school ages here either, the club scene has a certain social aspect that goes along with it.

I’m all for returning to normalcy and in no way want to “close down the country” as you say. I see my friends who own small businesses struggle and I do everything in my power to help them succeed. If we all use common sense the government won’t need to jump in an close things down. MA just took a step backwards in that regard and it is due in part to people gathering over thanksgiving which created a spike. I get the Covid fatigue, everyone is dealing with it, hell I would have loved to have our normal thanksgiving this year, but we didn’t do it.

The point I was trying to make is sports is not the issue, it is all the “stuff” that goes along with it, hanging out with other parents in the hotel lobby, kids watching movies in one of the parents rooms, all this for an extended period of time is how it spreads.
We know it doesn’t easily spread in the few minutes it takes to walk through a restaurant, but is throwing a mask on while you walk to your table really impacting your life in a negative way? BTW your mask isn’t helping you, it’s helping others. It isn’t dining out in restaurants with your family that is spreading this, it is gathering with a bunch of people over a long period of time inside that is spreading it.

For the after 10:00 argument, c’mon, we all know COVID is not a gremlin that comes out at 10, but after 10, at least in MA/NH, dinning is pretty much over and establishments turn to drinking mode, which I love, but in our current environment hanging around with a bunch of people until 1:00 closing the bar puts people at a greater risk of being exposed.

I think we are more on the same page on this topic than you think we are BTW. (Except maybe for the vaccine)

End of rant.

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Sorry I do not. We have rules and they are followed. The parents know if they aren’t following them then the kids will get shut which is their worst fear.

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