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Old 12-09-2020, 06:56 AM   #23
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Thanks for all your comments, at least it is a little bit of encouragement to know it is not so uncommon a problem, tinnitus.

The sound I hear right now inside my brain, or inside my ears, is a hissing white noise sound that on a scale from 0-10 is about a 4. It seems like it is worst after sleeping all night and waking up to it. If it gets any louder than a 4, it will probably be seriously disruptive.

During the day when engaged in activities it seems to dissipate and not be so noticeable. For the past three days I've been hula-hooping with a weighted 6-lb health hoop down on my dock in the lake, with a "Caliente" Hispanic classic hits cd booming out the latin beat for exercise as a way to help escape the tinnitus terror that happens when not distracted by either chores or exercise ..... with Gloria Estefan!

Never-ever had this problem before? On Monday, November 9, I had my ears cleaned by a local hearing professional and got poked in the ear drum at the start ...... have no clue if this is related?

So I went to Walmart and spent about ten dollars on ear cleaning items; water spritzer, ear drops, and cleaning tool, and taking long showers, and cleaning out the ears. If anything it seems like my cleaning effort is making it worse, but it seems to me like tinnitus must come from some type of inner ear issue.

It seems like it is mentally distracting, the white noise lulls you into a too relaxed state and you become forgetfull ...... you forget to take a left turn, or go to the store, or leave a bag in the car ..... stuff like that. It seems like just simple outdoors walking is a good escape.

As for now .... it is very bad .... distracting, annoying, depressing, dismal ..... and I definitely look forward to getting over this very bad health situation.

Contrary to my forum name, fatlazyless, am actually 6'2", 207-lbs and athletic, and have always been able to get over health issues in the past, including a large melanoma cancer tumor removal from my left upper arm in 2017 ...... so's I will get over this, too.

And, thanks again for all your comments, it makes me feel like I am not so alone with this problem.
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!
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