Thread: Property taxes
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Old 12-04-2020, 09:13 AM   #20
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Default The cycle will continue...

The increase in property tax will cause some people to sell their properties. I have seen this over the last 40 years to several (almost all) of my neighbors. Some bought a plot of land for $5k in 1960. Today the same land is worth over $1mm. Taxes went from a couple hundred to several (as in many) thou$and$.

The incentive for local municipalities is upside down. When an owner has to sell because of unaffordable property tax, the new buyer/owner will be wealthier... Will afford the municipal expansion... Eat at more restaurants... Shop more locally and probably can't vote locally...What a one-sided win for the towns.

California has a politician's nightmare - Prop. 13. In San Francisco I have a property worth three times that in Meredith. My taxes in SF are 1/4 of that in Meredith...Oh, here in SF I have a few things I don't have in Meredith...Paved road, city water, sewage system, trash pick-up, mail delivery I don't have to walk to. A driveway I can use in the winter. No snow plowing where I am in Meredith...We pay extra for that to have done privately.

I love The Lake life more than anything. If I did not enjoy a February afternoon sitting OUTSIDE on my deck in shorts, having a cold beer instead of the winter trauma of New Hampshire, I'd move back there in an instant.

My taxes in Meredith are now very close to my breaking point. This year's increase was beyond what I thought would be needed for that new municipal public works building with that gorgeous kitchen to make lunch in. In my opinion, Meredith is making me pay for the whole building!!!
~~~~_/) ~~~
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