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Old 11-20-2020, 12:01 PM   #60
Mr. V
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It is impossible to fully insulate people from the possibility of contracting Covid-19: unless you live in a cave, grow all your own food, make your own clothes and never come in contact with people you are a target.

Consider for example the plight of our most vulnerable population: those in care facilities due to poor health / advanced age.

They require that others care for them, and it is the caregivers that typically are the weak link as they do not live in a protected environment: many of these workers are fairly uneducated low paid folk living in "the real world."

While a doctor or nurse may have the empathy and fortitude to follow safety procedures when not at work (mask, social distancing, hand cleanliness) that is seemingly not the case for the entry level care givers who work in nursing homes and in home care facilities.

My buddy is an in home care giver, and he describes a revolving door of new entry level employees, and how clueless and lacking in discipline some of them are: it just takes one gaff for a care giver to get infected and then infect the entire facility.

No, to beat this thing we must all work together, difficult though it may be, or in the alternative collectively say "to hell with it, WGAS if they die?" and let the chips fall where they may.

Me, I vote for door number one.
basking in the benign indifference of the universe
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