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Old 09-24-2020, 05:12 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by Jdarby View Post
You are spot on. It pretty much is that simple. If COVID hastened their death then its totally appropriate to attribute their death to COVID even though they had cancer.

I’ve personally known 11 people now that have had it. One has passed and she was elderly. All others have thankfully recovered however one was very ill requiring hospitalization and nearly was placed on a ventilator. Fortunately he just barely was able to maintain adequate oxygenation and improved without requiring intubation. He had NO (ZERO) associated risk factors and is in his 40’s. He’s a health conscious guy who works out like crazy and probably caught COVID which nearly killed him at the’s that for irony? For those that think they are healthy and therefore this is no big deal.....I say...GOOD LUCK! [emoji456] [emoji456]

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You hit on an important aspect: the lasting effects. Though two people I know have *recovered* they still are struggling with lingering issues.

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