Thread: Bobcat sighting
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Old 09-22-2020, 04:32 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Dr. Dan View Post
Interesting observation on the turkey population. We counted 46 chicks from several large broods while hiking on top of Rattlesnake just a month ago. But how do these big birds survive these winters around here? Surely they are easy prey on the ground. If they roost in trees (which I know they do in the south), how in the world don’t they freeze to death!
Thanks for the welcome!
Pipers Point
Yes, they roost in trees here in NH too. More often than not, in hardwood trees. Being as wary as they are in the wild, I have to believe they do this to avoid predators. Wild animals don’t get cold like we humans do as they’re built to survive extreme cold. I often think of the ones that brave northern winters like deer, moose, turkeys and others, and I wonder how in hell they can stand being out in below zero weather and howling winds...they use the contours of the land and sunny or sheltered slopes to avoid the harshest conditions. Think of
A duck or goose standing on ice for hours then slipping into frigid waters for a swim and a bite to eat...impossible for them to feel cold.
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