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Old 09-08-2020, 04:34 PM   #57
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Post #55 talks about a scaled down CC as a viable option. The option is right in front of is the former Keepsake building at 130 Whittier Highway. Fabulous facility that could accommodate all the town needs. Sale price $1.6M. Toss in some money for rehab, etc, and it could be up and running in a few months for close to $2.0M. Would not even need to be bonded. Facility is on TOWN SEWER, has a generator, parking, etc. etc. No septic issues ever. But there is such polarization in this town that NOBODY knows how to compromise. Must be that they were in DC and learned how not to get anything done. So instead fo fixing things for the folks in town, we'll continue to piss and moan at Town Meeting and if anything NEW that gets approved...not probably 5 years off. All the parents who want stuff for their kids will have the kids in college before the town does anything. And the Lions Club will continue to rot. Stupid.......but that is Moultonborough today. Reasonable people would be working TOGETHER on this. But no, all they want to do is complain
that they are not getting their way.
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