Thread: Face Masks
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Old 07-25-2020, 07:28 PM   #174
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Originally Posted by XCR-700 View Post
RE: I haven't met too many people that live in Ma that have been upset with the way Baker has handled things so I think you're in the minority.

Clearly we run in different circles, as I am literally surrounded by the "Faker Baker" crew and I am considered very centrist by my friends and I'm on the fringe or often outside of their sometimes extreme positions. The "silent minority" or very conservative people in MA are in fact not so much a minority, they appear to just be waiting for the right moment for another Boston Tea Party. I fear it will be ugly when it happens, as it will be so shocking to the extremest on the other side that have enjoyed power so long, that they will be in utter turmoil. A better solution would be a reasonable middle ground, but I dont see it. Eventually one of the movements like the sanctuary city efforts or similar light a fuse that will wreak havoc on Massachusetts violently dividing the state and ending badly for all,,, Well thats my doom and gloom crystal ball prediction. I hope to be retired and somewhere much better before it happens.

As for the comment about blaming Baker for my health problems, well truth is he didnt start the mask movement and even resisted it for a while, but I do think overall he has made a royal mess of the pandemic. Way too many things went way too wrong under his watch. I just dont see him as effective. But he is part of a series of bigger problems. Law abiding citizens in Massachusetts have a much harder time legally buying guns than criminals AND WE PAY MORE! Undocumented AND illegal aliens can get drivers licenses, and in Cambridge even if they dont have a license, they dont stop them from driving, they tell them to go home and park the car,,, But god forbid my license was expired and I got caught driving, the car would be towed, I would get a fine, and my insurance would go up,,, Trouper-gate was an appalling breach of public trust, and what has come of it, virtually nothing. Corruption across Massachusetts revels Chicago, Atlanta, Baltimore, NY etc, and again all we do is pass laws restrict citizens and tax them more to pay for the corruption. These are just a few examples of so many problems that should and could be better. And I see Baker as either contributing to the problem, or unable to muster the leadership needed to address them.

Your are clearly very happy with how Massachusetts runs and with Bakers leadership, and I am glad you are happy. Its very tough living somewhere you dont like or even respect what they do or their standards. But until my youngest is done with high school I dont want to uproot him and separate him from all his friends. Once he is college bound, I hope to be out of Massachusetts as fast as humanly possible.

You dont have to like anything I am saying or agree with any of my opinions and observations, but at least please respect that I am just being honest with you. Too many play stupid games on these forums for their own quirky and weird reasons, I am as truthful as possible and just have my own opinions that may differ than yours.

I will say again, its interesting to see how divisive this matter is, and at such a personal level.

I think it’s sad that you are living your life in a place that you dislike so much. All these difficult years that you’ll never get back.
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