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Old 07-25-2020, 02:32 PM   #1
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Default Selling technical books in the area

I have quite a few engineering books from my previous life that I'm considering selling. I may consider donating some as well. These are primarily mechanical engineering topics like mechanics, stress/strain, fluid flow, heat transfer, thermodynamics, etc. Some specialty subjects like water quality, pressure vessel design, specific material properties, etc.
I would like to let these go locally but not sure where to start. I've talked to the Tuftonboro free library and they said they would take them as donations and then sell (or donate) them themselves. Not sure I want to do that as some of them cost me a pretty penny back in the day. Not looking to make a killing just beer money or gas for the boat.
Anyone have direct experience doing this in the area or a recommendation where to start looking?
Bob F

Amherst till the big 66 comes (made it!)
Winter Harbor/Mirror Lake till the big guy comes
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