Thread: Face Masks
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Old 07-19-2020, 11:09 PM   #50
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Originally Posted by XCR-700 View Post
Not sure those options represent what the world is offering us in the current pandemic. It would be nice if it were as clear cut at that, but for me its much more confusing as the endless stream of talking heads fill the airwaves 24 hrs/day with finger pointing and political mudslinging. When the so called express tell you that you need to do something drastic for a short period to avoid a major crisis, then you do it, and the crisis happens anyway, then they tell you that you didn’t do it long enough, or well enough and now you will need to endure the change for much longer than expected, or indefinitely, well you start to lose faith in those people and that system.

Are we better off for all we have done?

Some say yes and claim it would have been much worse if we had not done it, while others say you have accomplished nothing and worse yet you have compounded the matter by these bad choices.

So who do you believe?

The people who were wrong in the length and scope and depth of what was needed and continue to blindly follow them to no foreseeable end point?

Or do you make a 180 degree u-turn and jump on the bandwagon of the people who say its not real or not a big deal or we are doing the opposite of what we should be doing, despite the significant numbers of sick and dead people?

This is a mess and a disaster of epic proportions and there is no clear path out of this medical and political tarpit.

Most disappointing to me, I see politicians at every level using this event as a political forum and for their own advantage. I have not yet seen one that I felt was 100% honest, and acting in the best interest of everyone who they represent.

I also see the media as shameless appalling profiteers. Gone are actual journalists.

I am so sick and fed up with opinion news and news anchors trying to tell me what to think.

And god help us all for all the pseudo news commentary people and their ½ hour popularity contests. I would rather watch the 3 Stooges or Bugs Bunny than any of these cable TV idiots that the world relies on to think for them. Make a bold statement, mock some politician up to and including the president, crack a smile and a joke and you get followers and ratings and credibility.

The world is not a better place because of CNN, MSN, FOX News, Rachel Maddow, Trevor Noah, Jon Stewart, Glenn Beck, Bill Maher, Chris Matthews, Rush Limbaugh, or any of the countless shameless self-promoting idiots the networks promote in their quest for more viewership and more profit. We survive in spite of these bozos.

Sorry, just very frustrated.

Feeling bad for people suffering the virus, and people suffering because of the restrictions. My barber of over 22 years closed down because of this mess. That alone leaves me angry and frustrated, let alone all the other problems. in a personal gesture of solidarity for my barber, i may never get another hair cut,,,

Sorry way off,,,
Nobody's perfect, and it's always unpleasant watching sausage being made. But there's a big difference between acting like a politician when you're on the side of virtually all of the public health experts, and acting like a politician when you're ignoring all the public health experts.

But there have been excellent leaders during this difficult time--the Republican Governors of New Hampshire and Massachusetts, and the Democratic Governor of Rhode Island--just to name a few nearby. I think that all these folks have done pretty well with the hands they were dealt, and I don't think they exaggerated the danger or overpromised on what would happen with sacrifice. All 3 of their states have done WAY better than average.

Too often, politicians who have been obviously and grossly wrong try to spread the blame and deflect by saying everyone's at fault, nobody knows what to do. That's a lot of the noise you're hearing on the TV shows you really should stop watching
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