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Old 06-26-2020, 03:56 PM   #272
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Originally Posted by Bigstan View Post
Paraphrasing how ? Noone mentioned the government. At this point I would call it not caving to peer pressure. You can try and bully us all you want, a lot of us aren't buying.
I'm not trying to bully anyone, and certainly would not expect to be able to bully SP. I hope to persuade people to wear masks and also to illustrate the inconsistencies and inaccuracies in certain posts.

To answer your question about paraphrasing--Dickie wrote: I've said it before and I'll say it again....the people who don't wear masks do so for one reason...."the damn government isn't going to tell me what to do".

To which SP replied along the lines of : "I'm a man not a sheep." By that he meant he's not going to let anybody (such as the government) tell him what to do. This would be paraphrasing half of Dickie's post, right?

But SP's a big boy and a forceful advocate for his position. I'm sure he'll let us know if I've misunderstood his use of "sheep"
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