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Old 06-15-2020, 09:30 AM   #80
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Originally Posted by Tuckntruck View Post
Eh, the overall tone was “ We don’t know why you’re upset, look at all we have done for you”. They included all of their “communications” with me as proof, however all of that happened after I demanded a new boat in March/April - after they had messed around for 8 months.

Semi telling that they claimed to have been working out a deal with our marina, only to have the Marina tell me flat out they had no idea what sea ray wanted to do, or, who they had talked to. The person of contact they named in the letter bears the namesake- but would not be the person who they would talk to about this- e.g the paralegal BS’d the steps they were taking in trying to draft a letter that looked like they were bending over to accommodate me, when in reality they’re doing nothing of the sort. They also claimed that they “never received” either of the two letters from the Nh AG- the first regular mail, the second certified and signed for. I have now missed all of May, and half of June, and am quite done with this. Demand letter expires in 10 days- only for the sake of not appearing to be on a money grab we’ll wait out the 10 days, if they don’t buy me out at or make me whole at that point, then I hope I can teach them a lesson.

Curious, youre going to take another sea ray? If that was my only choice id take it and trade it in somewhere else for a totally different brand... yall are out for me!
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