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Old 05-27-2020, 02:52 PM   #67
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Originally Posted by Major View Post
And there my friends is the rub. I got mine. I'm all set. So what if the life of a guy who spent the last 20 years building a business or career is destroyed in a nanosecond. So what if a young man or woman graduating from college cannot find a job. So what if a person struggling with life for one reason or another is forced not to work and stay at home and becoming more and more depressed. So what if a mother (or in some cases a father) is forced to quit their jobs to stay at home with the children. Let's destroy millions upon millions of lives for let's face it from a statistical standpoint is a really bad (perhaps historically bad) flu year. My dad is 75 and a cancer survivor. My mom is 76 and has advanced COPD. Both would rather sacrifice their lives for fulfillment of their children's and grandchildren's future. They, like me, believe this is nonsense, and completely and utterly selfish of the older generation who is making all of the decisions.

But who cares, I'm financially fine.
I've been around a long time and have been though many tough times. But nice spin!
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