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Old 05-21-2020, 05:04 PM   #64
gravy boat
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Originally Posted by Taz View Post
Hind sight is 20/20 as they say. This is why looking back on it now long term care facilities/nursing home etc should have been in lockdown, protect the most vulnerable but let the rest who are healthy conduct normal daily activities and not shut everything down leading to a very hurt economy that some may never recover from or at least take years to recover from.
No matter how slowly or how fast businesses open up there will always, ALWAYS be those who will complain. I can't tell you how many people I still see online out there insisting that anybody no wearing a mask is being selfish. REALLY? I continue to social distance everywhere I go so a mask is not necessary. I have worked from home for 2+ years already and have seen even fewer people since early March. I disinfect as I go wherever I go. And I haven't seen my father who is in hospice in a nursing home since early March. And yet it's not enough for some people. Nothing ever will be for them.

Perhaps the complainers simply have zero concept about what business owners are going through as we continue lose income (2.5 months and counting, people) because we've sacrificed to help everyone by staying home while losing business and money. And not one of those people asking us to continue sacrificing will turn around and sacrifice a thing to help business owners financially. Not a one. Nobody has offered to sacrifice for ME by taking over my mortgage payments for the last 2.5 months. Nobody has offered to pay off MY vehicle to thank me.

So....if you are elderly or just afraid, then stay home. Same if you're immune compromised in any way. Just stay home and be safe and then you have no worries. And please accept that the rest of us need to get back to work. Because someone has to earn money to pay taxes to keep the government funded AND keep feeding social security and the other programs many of the complainers rely on.

I wish you all good health.


Last edited by gravy boat; 05-21-2020 at 06:43 PM.
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