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Old 05-19-2020, 05:00 PM   #44
gravy boat
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Originally Posted by Mr. V View Post
I wonder to what degree the lack of an available willing work force, always a problem for restaurants in the lakes region, will impact restaurants as the reopening progresses?

Will people be reluctant to return to work for fear of contracting the virus?
Doubtful. But perhaps. If collecting unemployment and they decline returning then they will now lose unemployment.

"Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin warned on Tuesday that individuals who reject an offer from their company to return to work after being laid off due to coronavirus are no longer considered eligible to receive federal unemployment benefits.

"Mnuchin said that companies receiving benefits under the Payroll Protection Program who are inviting employees who had been laid off or furloughed due to the coronavirus crisis to return to work should plan to notify state unemployment offices of their offers.

"If the employee, in turn, turns down the job, they would then be considered ineligible to receive expanded unemployment benefits.

“If you offer a person a job..and that person does not take the job..then that person would not be allowed to get unemployment,” Mnuchin said Tuesday.

As it should be. Having been in the recruiting business for 25+ years I can tell you there are PLENTY of people happy to sit home on their butt and be lazy all day long. And it's been easy until now to take advantage - if that's the type of person you are.

Last edited by gravy boat; 05-19-2020 at 05:45 PM.
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