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Old 04-26-2020, 01:02 PM   #89
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Originally Posted by Susie Cougar View Post
Major, the problem I have with your posts is that they scare me.
I have always had lung problems since I was a little girl. It was something that I just had to deal with. I always pushed myself hard but I could never keep up with the other kids. As an adult, I suffered from bouts of bronchitis and pneumonia often. But I always pushed myself, and I could run about 20 miles a week, at about a 12 mph pace. I was pretty slow, but I was always motivated to be healthy as I could.
The last 10 years of my life have been horrific. I was struck down with breast cancer and then The next year I was diagnosed with osteoporosis. They said because I lived in a northern climate my vitamin D levels were very very low and if I fell down I was going to break a hip. I was only in my 50s! I was taking drugs that made me viciously ill and told I had to keep taking them if I expected to ever get better. My weight went from 155 pounds down to 95 pounds. I really thought the doctors were going to kill me. They did not seem to be doing anything that was helping me and I just kept getting worse and worse.

When my mother died in 2014, we moved down here. I saw my doctors a couple of times and then I decided that I could not go through what they were putting me through anymore. I was cured of cancer at this time, let me point out.
My husband and I have been separated for 3 1/2 years now and I have been living all alone. During this time my weight has gone back up to 130 pounds and I’m starting to get some strength back in my legs. I work very hard and I can’t believe that I went from running 20 miles a week before this started to not even to be able to stand up anymore.
I ride my bike now and I swim, and I do as many weight lifting exercises that I can.
So when the virus first hit the news, unlike you Major , I took it very seriously. I have worked too hard in the last 10 years to give up now. I feel so i isolated and alone and I turn to the Winnepesaukee Forum for a social contact. I have not left my home in two months now, nor has my son been able to visit me. I feel that this virus should be over now and if we all could have done more at the beginning instead of pretending that our freedoms were being taken away and maybe everybody could’ve been working again by now.
I did not want to bear my soul and discuss my personal problems on an open forum like this, but I guess it has become inevitable because of some of the things I have said and no one knowing who I am.
No one wants things to get back to normal more than I do, I can assure you of that!
I sympathize, I really do. I will share something that a good friend said to me many years ago. The things that you are going through are no more or less profound than the things others go through. I won't trouble you with my things, but they are not trivial. Everyone deals with things at one point of their lives or others.

That said, while I sympathize, and I really do, your approach to solving the problem effects everyone. Your fears, while valid, are just that, fears. My mom has the same fears that you do. However, she deals with them a different way. Your approach caused my son to lose a good paying job. Your approach caused my firm to consider laying off people, and in the history of our firm we have NEVER had those types of discussions. (We decided not to, but if things don't get better quickly, we will have to reconsider. Right now, the only people suffering is the partners.) Your approach caused countless of family and friends to lose lots of money, and in some cases, their businesses. It seems like you are a cautious person anyway, so whether we adopted a shelter in place approach or something else that caused businesses to remain open, my suspicion is that you would have been okay.

You seem like a tough cookie, so I am confident things will work out for you. You have to admit that we cannot base public policies like this based on the fears of a small percentage.

Good luck!
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