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Old 04-09-2020, 07:56 AM   #72
The Real BigGuy
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I would like to believe that jobs will come back but, alas, they won’t.

Reason 1: Americans have a notoriously short memory. Coronavirus, and any part in it played by China, will disappear from the majority’s mind within three months of the last surge in cases and deaths. Look back, it’s happened in virtually every other catastrophic incident in the last 50 years. We talk a good game during crisis but never follow thru. Heck, we already dismantled the protections put in place during the 2008/2009 financial crisis because it was costing big business & banks $$.

Reason 2: Americans value price/cost above all else. Why do you think Walmart, Amazon, etc. have become some of the biggest businesses in the Country? As Orion mentioned, remember Walmart’s push for its “made in USA” section in 2008? If people put their $ where their mouth was it would have succeeded. But made in USA can never compete ($ wise) with SE Asia when they have wages in the $1(s)/day range and we are looking at $15/hr range.

Reason 3: Orion mentions the government providing incentives to bring manufacturing jobs back to this country. We did that in the ill advised Trump tax cut. We allowed big business to bring billions of $ back to this country tax free and provided them a huge tax cut because, the president said they were going to bring manufacturing back to this country. Did they? No, the used the $ to buy back stock because in the long run it will increase their value.

As usual, just follow the $$$ and it will lead you to the end result.

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