Thread: Florida to NH
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Old 04-08-2020, 07:53 AM   #80
smith point boater
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Default Same trip

Originally Posted by oldflounder View Post
Usually the trip to Florida and back gives me white knuckles and acid stomach at different areas along the route. Coming back this time was a quiet, boring ride until I hit the Mass Pike...what a difference...same in as usual on the big highways!

We left a day early, March 30,from our rental in North Port, FL because I was starting to hear stories of border closures and vigilante road blocks in some towns up north. I wanted to get back home to NH as soon as possible. We flew up a deserted (for the most part) 95 (overnight hassles with room availability/staff cleanliness/awareness of virus problem...washed down our room surfaces, etc. ourselves and did a lot of hand washing.) ; at Fredericksburg, VA we jumped on 17 over to Rte 81 (overnight in maid service during stay unless you requested it...again washed surfaces down ourselves and washed hands many times.); followed the snowbird route we usually follow up 81 to 84 and over to Newburg, NY to jump on 87 N to Mass Pike crossover just below Albany. then Mass Pike to Rte 3 up to NH. Everytime I came to a state border I was half expecting to be stopped but it never happened, even coming into MA.

The rest areas were all open for bathroom use/vending machines...skeletal cleaning staff, no visitor center staff...minimum people in/out...big truck stops are open for bathroom/hot food/cold drinks... Gas prices are low until you get above price gouging yet though. Before we left FL we cooked up remaining food in our fridge and ate it along the way. Didn't stop for fast food/restaurant food.

From Fl to Mass was like an early Sunday morning drive. When there was any traffic it was 75% 18 wheelers, 25% cars and very light.
The only issues we saw first day out was large police presence on 95 at crossing over Georgia into Florida southbound at the first truck weigh station. 18 wheelers were sent straight through, but all cars were shuttled to the side for questioning I assume of where they were going/coming from. That is the only place on our route we saw any closure or extra police presence.

If anyone is considering going to Florida to enjoy the sunshine and wait this out...forget it...there is practically nothing to do down there for a tourist... everything you would want to do is closed up tight and right now it's hot outside...90's when we when the beaches are closed and you can't get in the water. Besides all rental units are supposedly closed down.

We have been home now 6 days sheltering in place waiting for our 14 day self quarantine to end and we will see what happens next. We have to keep our grandchildren outside the house 20' away while we stay inside and talk through the open door. We are more afraid of them, than they of us. It's sad when your own grandchildren can be in cahoots with this unseen/silent enemy.

If you are still in Florida and coming to stay for the summer you won't have problems as stores are open and borders aren't closed YET, but if you are coming as a tourist you may as well stay home because, as in Florida, there is little open that a tourist would be able to enjoy for the next few weeks/months until this ends.
Your detail is spot on. Wife and I just took similar trip 4/6-7. Stayed one nite in Va and are now home. 2 long driving days. We came up 81 to 86 to Albany then thru Vt. Total route added about 1-2 hrs to the trip but was avoiding NJ/NYC/Ct at all costs. Trucks, trucks and more trucks - but give these guys credit - they're out there keeping us supplied. Oh and the amount of orange cones and construction barrels is crazy - wish I had that business!!! One of best sites though - all the huge American flags hanging from cranes, buildings, barns and regular flag poles!!

Home in 2 week quarantine now - plenty to do to get ready for summer!!!!!!!!
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