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Old 04-06-2020, 03:38 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by lakewinnie View Post
I appreciate all of the details on the medical issues that are communicated in the President's daily press briefings, but for the life of me, I cannot understand why there has been little, if any, discussion on the grocery supply issues? There has been little focus on this by the President and by the press. For God's sake, stop asking questions about the impeachment and ask Trump when we are going to get our toilet paper.

Is it because we are facing a food supply shortage and they don't want to freak us out?
We are not facing a shortage but virtually every person in this country is buying more, in many cases much more, of many items than they normally do.

The supply chain needs to catch back up, but also remember that the chain is weaker due to illness and businesses being shut down.
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