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Old 03-26-2020, 09:08 PM   #16
4 for Boating
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When H1N1 hit the US in 2009, I think it was over 6 months and 1,000 people dead before Obama declared a national health emergency. Estimates put the total deaths in the US at over 13,000 with those going to the hospital around 275,000 and those suspected to have contracted it around 60 Million.

Can’t recall him ever telling people to distance themselves for 14 days or close borders to try to slow it down like ***** did. No one seem to critical of his actions back then.

This "seems" like a more contagious strain but if we are talking about the differences in how presidents responded to saves lives, does not even seem close. We can argue about not wanting ***** steering this ship but at least someone has his/her hands on the wheel this time.

Just saying…
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