Thread: Groceries
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Old 03-18-2020, 05:54 PM   #33
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So I was in Heath's in Center Harbor at about nine this morning, and Heath's had about 25-rolls of Scott toilet paper, the good stuff, for 1.29/roll.

Also, it looks like Heath's has doubled their quantity of pre-prepared muffins/english/bagels with cream cheese or with american cheese & egg, swiss cheese & egg, bacon-cheese & egg, ham-cheese & egg that sell for .99/1.99/2.49 which are displayed in the heated storage just beyond the salad bar.

And the totally freebie Vermont Coffee Roasters coffee in six flavors in a styrofoam cup is still happening. If you take a coffee in a paper cup, it costs 50-cent, while in a styrofoam cup, it is free ..... the small sign explaining this is no longer there, but that's that way it is, capiche! ...... a super-secret, insider, freebie deal!
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!
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