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Old 12-12-2019, 10:32 AM   #24
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Default Pier 19.....Farm Island???

Originally Posted by chasedawg View Post
I have been informed that there is a new buyer for the Pier 19 store. This one seems legit. The sale may be pending waiting for permitting from Tuftonboro Plannng Board and other approvals.

As I was told, there was a meeting Monday with town officials. The person that informed me was at the meeting.

The new owners are going to renovate it bring it up to current standards. It will operate as a convenient store plus other creative ideas. Their thinking is to have it remain open year round.

If this comes to fruition let's welcome the new owners and wish them great success.
I live fairly close to 19 mile bay and drive by the vacant building almost everyday. Like others, I would love to see it operating again (so would my granddaughter). Can't help but wonder if it's tied in someway to the Planning board subdivision approval of Farm Island in October. Are the developers involved or maybe someone with a little vision of increased traffic in the future?
Bob F

Amherst till the big 66 comes (made it!)
Winter Harbor/Mirror Lake till the big guy comes
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