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Old 08-24-2019, 08:49 AM   #8
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Question Kayakers and Radar...

Originally Posted by MDoug View Post
I use Raymarine gps and radar. My iphone Google Maps app also works ok as backup gps
While I don't own a kayak, curiosity drove me to Google—where I found this statement:

A decade or so ago, my local club did a test of various radar reflection strategies (including one commercial reflector on the market at the time) with the local Coast Guard. The other makeshift things we tried were wrapping a paddler in a Mylar blanket, covering a helmet with aluminum foil and one guy actually wore a steel colander on his head. It was on a windy, rough day and the bottom line is that even though they could see us visually, nothing made us visible to radar. According to the radar operator, we never looked any bigger than a sea gull on the water and couldn't be readily distinguished from the surface noise. If he hadn't known where we were, he never would have given what he saw a second thought. This was at close range, so at a distance our visibility would have been even worse.
Is it
"Common Sense" isn't.
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