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Old 07-22-2019, 06:58 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by LIforrelaxin View Post
People tend to over rate the effects of under coating. There was a day and a time where it was indeed necessary. But Honestly with new vehicles I think it is a waste of money. They do so much treatment of the metal at the factories that things hold up fairly well.
A stretch.

Yes, there is a tad truth to this. New car exhaust systems may have a high quality stainless steel. Yes, the paints have improved somewhat.

Do note that the term "undercoating" is from the 1950's. Undercoating was used for sound deadening and had nothing to do with rust prevention. Currently, the term undercoating has merged somewhat with rust prevention. Two completely different animals though.

But the bottom line is that steel rusts. The rust begins while sitting on the new car lot. Clamps, bolts, brake lines, etc. may be of ordinary cheep unpainted steel that does begin to rust right away.

Few ever view their vehicle up on a lift. Most would be amazed at what is rusting if they actually viewed the underside of their vehicle.

Many in the Lakes Region don't keep any vehicle more then 5 years or so. So to them rust is not an issue. It's the next gal or guy that will see the results of the ongoing rusting process.

The DPW Pubic Works not only use rock salt in the winter time. But now use a liquid brine/salt - that is much more corrosive then the rock salt. Take a look at the DPW trucks in winter time and view both the rock salt being dispersed but also the liquid brine.

That stuff gets into all of the nooks and crannies of vehicle and promotes enhances the rusting process.

It's your investment. Good Luck !
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