Thread: NH Taxes
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Old 05-24-2019, 09:08 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by Garcia View Post
The too often piece that is missing in this discussion is the increasing rate of guns and suicide. In 2016, the last year for which the CDC provides numbers, 22,938 people committed suicide by firearm, while 14,415 people died in gun homicides. Historical data shows it’s been this way for a while:

This is not simply a mental health issue, either. Instead, it is an availability issue. Suicide attempts with guns are much more "successful" than by other means. The more relaxed the gun laws are, the higher the rate per capital. And, the successful rates of suicides are highest among white men, not coincidentally the same group that is most likely to have access to a gun.

I'm not suggested banning guns, just pointing out that to have a meaningful discussion about guns and the second amendment, I believe suidice is an essential part of the discussion.
So sane, law abiding people should be punished because someone that is unstable "might" use a gun to off themselves? Where does it end? What about suicide by hanging? That seems to be a pretty popular one as well...should we ban rope and neckties? What about jumping off of bridges and buildings? Ban sidewalks and pedestrian traffic from bridges? I could go on and on.
The facts are people that hate guns do not want anyone to have them. Cory Booker and others want total confiscation. they have an AGENDA against firearms being pushed and funded by billionaire liberals. No "meaningful" discussion needed. Our God given rights to defend ourselves and our families are being slowly eroded. LIVE FREE OR DIE!
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