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Old 03-28-2019, 06:05 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Josh K View Post
That is exactly what we plan to do. We are exploring three main revenue streams for the product. The first being a simple pre-cut kit that a customer can order, have shipped to their house, and install themselves. This would obviously be the cheapest option, yet also the most difficult for the customer, although I imagine with the right tools and some patience, many people could do a decent job installing the product themselves.

The second revenue stream that we are exploring is by having the product installed at certified installation locations across the country. SeaDek operates in a similar fashion, having certified installers at various locations around the country, who are trained to complete a professional installation of the product. The link below provides more information on how they do this if anybody is interested:

The final revenue stream and the one that I am most excited about is exactly what you mentioned. We want to have this product as an option when speccing out a brand new boat. This idea was also taken out of SeaDek's playbook, as for most new boats, you have the option of having SeaDek installed straight from the factory. This way, customer's can rest easy knowing that their hull is fully protected straight from the factory, and don't have to worry about putting a nice white scratch in their brand new black hull (something my Dad and I had the pleasure of doing last summer, and one of the catalysts for this idea).
It's also an easier sell on a new boat where it's installed at the marina because they can roll the cost into the loan payment.
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