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Old 12-11-2018, 10:14 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by TiltonBB View Post
I have used Ooma for years. It works great and you can buy the box for about $75. Best Buy has them and I am sure Amazon sells them too. I have a cordless phone base plugged into it and the second phone can obviously go anywhere.

You do have to pay the taxes which are about $4 per month but there is no monthly fee unless you take their optional services. I am not sure how Google would be able to do it without the taxes.

Before the cordless phone I ran a wire out of the Ooma box and plugged it into a wall jack in the bedroom the box is in. That back fed all of the phone outlets in the house and made them live.

Here is a link to Ooma:

My understand is that Google Voice is pure internet, no connection to local 911 services. To get 911 service requires a companion non Google service contract in the range of $45/year +/- which includes taxes such as the local 911 tax. You do get a lifetime phone number assigned by Google; you can pick from available numbers in your area code. You have to use the $50 box linked to in my 1st post to connect to your home phone system and to get 911 service. I will look into Ooma.
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