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Old 07-31-2018, 01:53 PM   #54
Join Date: May 2007
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Default Really? I expected more from the experienced boaters on this site, I'm disappointed

Originally Posted by Beauport View Post

I did make note of your destination and assume it is your home. I am not planning to take further action to encourage your growth as a captain, but I will be watching for you and keeping a wide berth. I hope I will not regret finding a more definitive way to ensure you take your responsibility seriously in the future. I do not want to be even indirectly responsible for you causing an accident with similar actions.

Stay safe.
I have been holding off my reply to this post for a bit now but, it’s time to vent. Given my suspicion that most on this forum have been around the lake a bit, I have to say how surprised I am at the response this post has received.

In the movie "Goodfellows" when Bob De Niro's and Ray Liiotta's characters hijack a truck, the first order of business was to take the truck driver's license and remind him that they knew where he lived!

And yet, here we are thanking Beauport for doing the same thing. Beauport is "going to be watching” for this Captain. Is Beauport planning to be judge and jury at some future date? Will he then decide if he/she is going to take any further action? Seriously?? Personally, I would much rather be called some names and be done with it, versus wondering every time if someone was waiting for me to depart my dock, intending to even things up.

Bottom-line, why is this even posted on this forum, chances are overwhelming that the suspected weekend warrior is not even aware this site exists. My guess is that the only boaters who have read this might, on average, have 20-30, or many more, years boating on this lake. I get boating, I don’t need a pompous individual trying to show what a nice person they think they are.

In my mind, the only important rule of boating is to avoid accidents. So if one is on a crowded lake or area of that lake, proceed accordingly, knowing that many others may not. They may not have skills or knowledge to match yours, or just might be having a bad minute or day. If another boater runs into you, YOU made a mistake in not avoiding the accident.
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