Thread: Sawyers
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Old 07-27-2018, 02:49 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by BernerGuy View Post
Having owned a restaurant for 10 years (Sold it) I can tell you that food costs include the onion. , flour or whatever they use, batter, oil to fry it, maintenance to fryer, baskets to fry it (they wear out), employees as you mentioned, electric bill, gas bill, security system, taxes upon taxes, paper products *(expensive), light bulbs, light bulb covers, insurance of all kinds, and whatever other million things I have put out of my memory.
All true but what is the total cost of customers feeling like they are shortchanged and not coming back. Half an onion is not very expensive and for sure the actual cost of a skimpy basket of rings vs a fuller basket can only be pennies. Plus as I said, charge what it's worth. I think most would rather pay $20 for a plate and leave some behind instead of paying $12 and leaving hungry.

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