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Old 07-11-2018, 07:39 PM   #14
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Well, it was not a good day fishing (salmon wise anyway...)
No bites at all from before sunrise until I caught a dink smallie around 10am at the beginning of the broads heading toward rattlesnake from Ragged where we stopped to let the pooch run and cool off. Halfway across the broads still heading for rattlesnake, I caught a decent smallie about 2 lbs...sent him back down.
Then the same rod with a Meredith Special tandem went off and in came a short but very fat Rainbow. That was encouraging but alas the last fish caught.
Trolled all day with 6 colors out and tried 5 and 7 colors from time to time.
Fatigue was setting in by 2pm so we picked up and headed in.
Thanks for all the advice!
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