Thread: Bike Week
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Old 06-19-2018, 06:17 AM   #100
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Originally Posted by TiltonBB View Post
The city proclaimed that Bike Week was a success this year with great weather and large crowds.

I was in the Weirs area every day and the crowds and traffic still seem to be less every year, including this year. Coupled with the fact that there were numerous accidents, including three fatalities, I am not quite sure that I would be so quick to call it a success. I guess it depends on your perspective.
One of the fatalities was in Hampstead, not sure I'd consider that part of "Bike Week." Though the arrests were up, even with reportedly lower LEO levels... In any case, Laconia HD said 30% of their business comes this week, which is huge, and the quote about, "even 5,000 visitors means 5,000 more to the area" is an interesting point.

In the end, though I don't ride, I think it's a cool event that, with some investment--both for the week and area as a whole--could be even better.

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