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Old 09-04-2017, 07:35 PM   #38
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Exclamation Empathy Would Have To Come First...

Originally Posted by MAXUM View Post
The funny thing this entire tread illustrates is a two fold and conflicting problem that continues to fester into today's society....

1. A total and complete lack of intolerance towards (fill in the blank) to where (fill in the blank) should no longer be allowed because I don't like it. In some cases this has resulted in total and complete out of control chaos and riots - ironically many "claiming" is in the name of "tolerance".

2. A total and complete lack of courtesy towards others in regards to (fill in the blank) where (fill in the blank) may be not necessarily welcomed by others to a greater or lesser degree. Instead we have those who determine they have a God given right to do (fill in the blank) and come hell or high water nobody will stop me from doing so even right in your face.

It's sad that much of this could be solved with a little common courtesy and civility no?

And finally to APS

Are you attempting to insinuate fireworks caused the loons to sound sad or be sad or is that depressed, hmm do you think it's clinical depression? OMG what if it is! Oh the horror..... what should we do?
You've got it covered with your closing remarks above, highlighted in blue.

Other than, perhaps, their calls, I have no idea how Loons can express depression, but it's a well-known fact that animals—from elephants to catsfeel grief. Anyone with an ounce of empathy—whose dog has lost his mate—can feel it deeply.

Even at Winter Harbor's Camp Wyanoke, we'd ask what that distant noise was, and the reply was always, "Oh, that's The Weirs: They have fireworks every Monday evening".

If Camp Wyanoke had fireworks, I don't recall any. Wyanoke did have a cannon that had weekend onlookers jumping out of their skins.

But today, it's literally right next door.

So today we had a 1st-world problem, supported by people who—and I quote—"Don't blame the out-of-state folks who love it up here and spend lots of money."

I'd sure feel better if fireworks were "environmentally-safe", and were made in the U.S.A. Even better, they should have the empathy that actress Marina Sirtis playing Deanna Troi expressed so well in Star Trek—The Next Generation.

It's responsible to treat animals humanely; therefore, I put myself on the side that empathizes when their pets are confronted by a menacing concept they are unable to understand.

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"Common Sense" isn't.
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