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Old 02-28-2006, 11:40 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Airwaves
A summary of "The Winni Forum" draft so far...

Speed limit;

1. Speed limit of 45/25 on weekends (possible weekdays odd-even years)
2. Multiple speed limits (No speed limit on Broads- 45/25 in Bays)
3. Speed limit 45/25 within 1000' of other vessels or shore
4. Speed limit to be "Reasonable and Prudent" as determined by
Marine Patrol officer(s)
5. Creation of more NWZs in narrow congested areas.
6. Better enforcement of noise limits.


1. Proctor Safe Boating Exams only, elimination of online exams.
2. Requirement that people renting boats and PWCs show proof of having
passed a NASBLA exam.


1. Increase the number of Marine Patrol officers/vessels on Winni
2. Better deployment of Marine Patrol officers in high congested areas
3. Allow MP Officers the ability to do off-duty "details"


1. Increase registration fees for boats
2. Require all vessels be registered
3. Eliminate the rebate of the state gasoline tax for boats and earmark
that money to Marine Patrol activities.

I think I summarized the ideas correctly, if not feel free to correct my interpretation. Some good ideas at compromise have been proposed. Any more thoughts?

One thing I probably should have suggested we do as well is to ask what we want to accomplish with this new law?

Limited to Winni, Enforcement, Revenue enhancement, Safety, etc.?

That would help in writing any changes to propose for consideration.
I agree with many of these points.. however without doing any calculation , it looks like an expensive list.
Why must big brother control everything we do.
I for one will not sit by idle while unfounded fear slowly eats away at our freedom and our wallets
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