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Old 01-14-2017, 08:31 PM   #65
Cobalt 25
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Last August I was in unfamiliar waters NE of Dow Island across from Long Island. Didn't check the chart carefully enough and a large solid structure jumped up off the bottom and struck the outdrive. Really, it wasn't MY fault!

Some on the boat claimed we were sinking just because the engine compartment and the cabin floor were quickly under several inches of water. Nonsense, I replied, we are simply taking on water. I'm not sure it made them feel any better, though.

We were very fortunate, however. A good Samaritan living in a nearby shore front home heard the impact and soon came out to rescue us from sinking. She towed us to Trexler's Marina, thus saving the boat from going to the bottom.

$18k and the boat is now fixed. I can't say enough good things about both our Good Samaritan and BoatUS insurance. She was an extremely competent captain.The insurance company covered almost everything and we are very grateful.

And, it makes for an interesting story!
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