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Old 09-21-2016, 10:26 PM   #65
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Default I never make sh!t up.

Originally Posted by Seaplane Pilot View Post
Well then, let me ask you similar questions:

Do you get your news from CNN, MSNBC, ABS, CBS and the other overtly biased mainstream media that do nothing but provide cover for Clinton? This latest "bombing" incident is a perfect example. She used the word "bombing" at the very same time ***** did. However, CNN chose to edit her statements, thus removing the word "bombing". Then they turned right around and crucified ***** for using the same exact statement she did. Totally pathetic.

See, it works both ways.
Truth and reality do not have 2 sides. You completely made up your assertion that the DNC paid off Bern to the tune of the 600k to buy his lake house.
You then said you "think" for yourself, right before another poster detailed the real way Bern got his lake house and the DNC had nothing to do with it.
I suspect you have confused "think" with "hallucinate".
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