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Old 01-13-2006, 11:40 AM   #69
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Default Alleged BWI

I understand that it could have been avoided if any number of different things happened that night, and your scenario is certainly one of them. But I believe that IF the alleged drinking did occur and that BWI law was already being ignored, what makes you think he would have obeyed a speed limit--R&P or any other defined speed limit? By his own admission he had 3 to 5 drinks at Braun Bay BEFORE going to the restaurant and possibly having more drinks--this was never proved. But IF it was the case that he consumed even more alcohol after his day out drinking on the lake; don't you think alcohol had more to do with the accident than the lack of a speed limit? If a speed limit were in effect, why do you think he would have allegedly ignored a BWI law already on the books and obeyed a speed limit law? I suspect things would have turned out the same with or without HB162.
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