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Old 04-16-2016, 07:47 AM   #12
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Here is the opening statement to the Moultonborough business meeting of the Select Board:

Mr. Chairman,

In the not too distant future, I believe the Select Board will be discussing the June 8th, 2007 Lion’s Club commercial lease agreement, in concert with March 15th 2007 User Agreement which is part of the consideration paid for the property, and also the March 15th, 2007 Purchase and Sale Agreement. It is a ten year commercial lease.

The taxpayers spent $495,000 plus the user agreement, as consideration, acquiring the the17.5 acres, plus building.
The Commercial lease, the Use Agreement, and the Purchase and Sale Agreement, all part of the “acquisition” of the Lion’s Club, for tax exempt property, appears legally odd.

The property is used for Meals on Wheels, Scouting organizations, the Women’s Club, Breakfast groups, Senior groups, Candidates night, employee appreciation days, Lion’s Club meetings, and probably much more.

Some of us learned last week that the septic system has failed. Someone told me, that was 10 years ago. For a town looking to market itself, it seems a travesty that anyone can look up the site on the new town Tax/GIS maps and view code violation notices dating back to November 2012. Have they been corrected?

It would seem that the town needs to appreciate its holdings and maintain them, in order to have the holdings appreciate in value, not deteriorate.
That said, here’s a copy of a petition is that being launched to repair and rehabilitate, the Lion’s Club property. The goal is to get 50 registered town voters to sign.

The petition is for a Special Town Meeting to be held this summer.
Article 1 is being put forth to rehabilitate and repair the Lion’s Club. Some highlights of the petition are:
1) A summer Special Town Meeting to held in July or August 2016
2) Repair and rehabilitate the Lion’s Club property
3) 5-11 citizen committee, of presently non-elected nor appointed members
4) Town Moderator will appoint committee members at the meeting
5) Committee proposals to be submitted to the BoS for March 2017 warrant.
6) Committee Chair shall be the TA, while being a non-voting member

There is a second article: Article 2 is to see if the town will vote to create a Town Green Park or Common at the Taylor property.
Here’s are copies of the petition that will be circulating.

Any questions.

The possibility of another run at the Taylor property was already being discussed, by its proponents. This time it would not be a Board warrant article. It would be 25 (not 50) petition, voters that could put on the March 2017 Town meeting warrant. This time another angle would probably be used. Only petition the Community Center. That only takes a majority vote of one, not the 2/3rds majority statutorily required with a bond, as was done. Financing then, would be a separate issue.

It has not gone unnoticed that there could be attempts to hijack the summer meeting for their goal. Statutorily the focus must be on the warrant articles "noticed". They can be amended, but not changed. The same would be true at a March meeting. A big difference from a summer meeting and the annual March meeting is the snowbirds. The summer meeting allows them to vote on articles they cannot legally vote on.

I've read quite a bit of the previous attempts of the Taj Mahal at the so-called Lion's club. There is already movement to call the Lion's Club what it is already: Moultonborough Community Center and unfortunately, deteriorating.

There is a lease ending in June 2017 that the Select Board already has an work session agenda item. Here it is:

One strategy is to sit and hope ... another is to strike while the iron is hot!
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