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Old 02-08-2016, 07:37 PM   #8
V ger
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Default Dockside ESD and other means to improve the gene pool

Besides the obvious dangers of swimming near docks any dock equipped with AC power outlets poses the very real danger of Electro Shock Drowning where low level currents present in the water paralyze the swimmer and that person drowns. These currents are most often sourced by boats that are improperly wired and/or not equipped with galvanic isolation. Because of the relatively low conductivity of fresh water (as compared to salt water) few lake boaters pay much attention to galvanic isolation. It is because of this low conductivity that a swimmer may find themselves as the best conductor in the area and be unable to swim or call for help. These deaths are often not recognized as any thing other than a normal drowning since the currents are so low that they may not cause any tissue damage.

Swimmers may also fail to recognize how easily they may drawn into the propellers of a boat maneuvering into or out of a dock space.

An other hazard to dockside swimmers is the potentially high levels of carbon monoxide present.

Common sense and simple courtesy would dictate that dinghies, kayaks and other small and large craft would stay clear of any one docking or getting underway.
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