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Old 01-04-2006, 09:08 PM   #13
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So Island Lover, you just confirmed that its acceptable to break speed limit laws (going 5-10 mph over the speed limit) Does that mean it will be acceptable to break the speed limit if it passes for the lake? What were you saying about inserting "foot in mouth" in your earlier post?

you can count on one hand the boats that are capable of going 100 mph on the lake & even less that even attempt to exceed 90. 99.9% are operating in the 50-70 mph range. So what happens when these boats continue to operate in this range, creating the noise that the supporters are trying to stop? This is what is happening now, its reality & it will not change. It will be business as usual because as you said earlier, exceeding the speed limit will not be an issue with regard to the marine patrol as long as it is not outrageous.

Those statements you reference are a very, very very small representation of the total of boaters who use the lake during boating season. The few that do not return will not be noticed. As I said earlier, in my opinion thats not a good argument to oppose the bill.
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