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Old 11-24-2015, 09:32 AM   #13
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Default Same thing here...

Originally Posted by Oblio13 View Post
When we bought our house on the lake twenty-something years ago, I went snorkeling out front and found a literal pyramid of beer bottles. I filled a canoe twice with them. I pondered how they came to be arranged like that until the next winter, when it dawned on me that someone had spent a winter in a bob house dropping them down the hole.
Back in my teenage years, late 50's into the 60's, we would go diving, either snorkeling or SCUBA, and would find the same thing; pyramids of beer/soda cans. What amazed us was how the piles were not that large across the base, with cans in various states of decay. In some cases, there were piles fairly close together, either indicating a cluster of bob houses, or the same one over a succession of years. Pretty good navigation without GPS... let's see, it is the red boat house over there, the large dock down there, and the tree that leans out over the water. Yup, that's our spot.

Not a slam on ice fishermen , or fisher people ; some people then, as today, would deep six the cans (or bottles) rather than transport them out. I have seen the same thing from boaters away from the sand bars. Sink it and forget it.
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