Thread: My Demeanor
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Old 07-24-2015, 09:07 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by That Guy View Post
Because of what seemed like forum suicide, I just wanted to take a moment and explain a few things.

Being on the internet for the past 20 years or so has taught me a few things. One being do not get upset by what other people say to me. I can just laugh it off. In more recent years, I've been on particular forums that have told me to drink bleach, have insulted my family, twice my number was dug up via a Verizon employee and my number put on CL under the M4M section, pictures of my wedding were found, and my street address was displayed for all to see. Because of those things, I have been pretty hardened to what is said to me, as well as what I say to others. Same goes for in person, but not to the degree as it does online.

I love me a good debate, but I'm set in my ways when it comes to topics such as government, 2A rights, abortion, and my favorite being religion. I can sometimes push the envelope when it comes to getting my point across, and in recent years it has rarely insulted anyone.

As far as these particular forums, I mean no offense to anyone. znh and Dan, my words I expressed yesterday were not directed to you. I used a phrase that was coined about ten years ago to try to make a point, and it insulted you both. For that, I apologize. I actually have years of personal experience with Downs and Autistic children.

In person, I tend to use similar ways to get my point across. If I were to say something was as useless as Anne Frank's drumset, it doesn't mean I hate Jewish people.

I understand these forums are far more timid than where I have spent my recent years, and I will work on that. I feel like Jose from South-Central LA took a roadtrip to Amishville; just need to work on the table manners.

I hope this post clears the air and I apologize to those that I offended. We are a small community of people and there should be a need for us to bicker on such minute things.

I'll take what was said yesterday, and leave it from there.
Regardless of the negative connotations that people may attach to the term "political correctness" words DO hurt....sometimes more than sticks and stones.

I accept that you are a well meaning person. Nonetheless, even using the offensive phrase about Anne Frank and then saying this doesn't really mean you hate Jewish people is offensive. Why use the phrase at all?

The same thing goes for the Jose from LA and Amishville. Why say it at all?

Your friends who know and love you may say....oh you know him, he's "that guy."

But people on the internet do not know the wonderful person that you may well be. Please reflect on this and don't blame it on PC. Unless you really are "That Guy."

"You're only young once, but you can be immature forever."
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