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Old 03-11-2015, 04:30 PM   #122
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Originally Posted by LIforrelaxin View Post

For the first time Rusty and I seem to agree on this, which is new, because I almost never agree with Rusty.... nothing personal, we just seem to view things differently most times....

1. I believe there is more to this story then has been published in the press... lets seem some information flow from the BOS before we condemn them for being wrong here.

2. We have accounts that this 5 min limit is a direct result of Mr. Clay's actions in early meetings...

3. The police chief, requested that Mr. Clay step down.. several times in fact... if Mr. Clay gets away with disobeying a law officer at a BOS meeting, then guess what, why does anyone have to listen to police officers if they feel they are just exercising their right to free speach....

At the end of the day Mr. Clay, could have handled things differently himself. So could of the BOS.... The problem in this country is that we file to many law suits... Why??? SO THE DAM LAWYERS CAN MAKE MONEY

I would be behind Mr. Clay in an instant if he had just listened to the Police Chief.... I agree the BOS jumped the gun... and that would have been a lawsuit I could have gotten behind... but suing the police dept... I can't and will not get behind that... because the only ones that will win are the lawyers, who probably don't given a darn about Mr. Clay... the just see the potential money making lawsuit....

I can't find fault in any of your points.

I do believe that the BOS could have just waited for five minutes. At the end of the five minutes, there is no gray area, no debate over the type of comments made, time's up. After that, continued intereference in the meeting could bring a legal ejection and possible arrest if there is no compliance with LEO demands.
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