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Old 09-28-2014, 09:49 PM   #111
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Default Another one almost hit the rocks ....BUT SAVED TODAY

Ok.... this is the last time commenting on this original "Another one hits the rocks" post. This post has a different slant to it. This time the post will state..... "we saved another one from hitting the rocks" today. After this post we will have done the best we can do for now to help poor and uneducated boat people from having a bad day.... "by not hitting the rocks".

It was amazing how trying to help saving people from the rocks and then how the thread went AWOL to many other different topics. Anyway, it is all good and productive information for all of us.

Ok,... all well and good. But let me tell you what happened today. OK here we go..... I was in my little work boat and saw a boat heading between the black markers. I watched them to see if they would turn and head through markers in the correct way. No... they keep moving between the black markers and heading for the rocks.

I waved and called to them to stop. I went over to their boat and said if you continue on this course between those black markers it probably will be your last ride this year because you will hit rocks. They had their chart out and looked confused. So I told them how to read the chart in this area. They said I can't understand the red and black markers. So just follow what the chart shows you. "Do you see the black markers?" Yes... "Do you see the no wake zone markers?' No should they not be Red? "No!" If you have any questions just try to follow the green dotted line on the chart guiding you to safe passage North of the Black Markers. Well they didn't get it. I said just follow me I will take you North of the Black markers and you might or may not be OK heading to your finale destination.

So not more then ten minutes later. I see this boat heading again trying to go between the two black markers. This time I stopped them and asked if they had a chart and if they knew how to go past the markers. They said yes the same direction we are going. I again said no that if you do it could be the last ride you will take this year in your boat because it will hit the rocks you are heading for.

So I thought to ask some basic questions. "Do you see the two black markers next to you?" Ok.. yes... but we didn't know what color they were. OK the sun is probably confusing you. So if confused check your chart and it will tell you that they are black and you should proceed North of the black markers. You will also see green dotted marks on the chart showing you safe passage.

Then I felt they had no clue what I was talking about. I said I want to help you. Black markers you stay North or East of them. So let's ask a key question. Do you know what way is North? The seemed to be uneducated driver of the boat looked at his compass and stared at it. Then a women yelled and pointed South and all others on the boat pointed South towards Farm Island. The driver looked up and said yes south is that way. Wrong! That is South and North is as I pointed to Chase Island. I suggested that they follow me and wished them good luck.

Then after all of this.... a third boat came the same direction. I held up a rock saying "ROCKS" and they waved back! That is it.... have done our good rock warning deed for this year. And I might add for those who have asked..... the Marine Patrol was very clear this past week by removing the red tide bottles that were out there. And now we have uneducated and educated boaters heading to hit the rocks again. It is out of our hands and into the hands of the governing lake authorities.

Have a wonderful time for the remaining part of the year. It was a beautiful day today and it could have been an awful day for some others.

Fair winds and happy sailing to all...............
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