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Old 09-02-2014, 03:40 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Chaselady View Post
Glad you like them....many thanks to Cate P. for bringing them over.
Unfortunately, yes, you guessed it, we are still seeing people go on the wrong side.
Two boats in a row, today. Hitting the rocks when they went between the 2 black and whites, and between the two red jugs!
I asked the second boat (as his female companion was pushing their boat away with a paddle " can I just asked you why you went on that side of the markers?"
His response was "I thought you always go on the other side of those markers"
(Meaning the south side) So I said, no you should go either north or east of black and whites. I told him we are trying to figure out what is causing so many accidents by these markers, and that we had put out extra red bouys.
His response...." I thought it was a mooring field or something"
???!!!!!!! I didn't even ask him why he felt he should plow through the middle of a mooring field.
I went through there yesterday and was wondering how people could get this wrong. I saw the tide bottles and laughed... Since there is more space on the side with the rocks than the safe side maybe they think wider is the safe water?? A quick look a the green dots on the chart and it's clear where to go.

A couple of questions?
Do people really really go around without a chart just guessing what side of the marker to be on?
Does anyone really use the direction of travel to determine what side of the marker to go on? I just refer to the Bizer chart.
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