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Old 07-23-2014, 12:48 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by donnamatrix View Post
This notification was posted to my FB page. It is the most well-written succinct statement of the emotions of the employees at Market Basket, written by the Store Director in Tilton. This must change: good companies rarely have employees with long histories - but Market Basket does. They won't have them for long:

My name is Mike LeClair. I am the Store Director of Tilton59, a 27 year employee. My wife Tracey I met at Market Basket 25 years ago when she worked in the courtesy booth and I was an assistant up front... I was 17. My family started at MB. This message is to all the people I work with at my store. To all my mentors (Mr. Davis) and to those who have taught me so much, (Mr. Foucher). I'm angry, I'm upset and to be blunt I'm pissed! No more fear... I've spent my entire life at Market Basket. I've worked hard... I've missed my kids’ sports games, their awards, their successes, I've missed family reunions, weddings, and yes funerals. I've been committed, I've done my job. I've got a lot of dents in my head over the years... I am obstinate... I speak up for what I feel is right for my people... My customers. Hear me now... After dealing with the hired security of Felicia Thornton and Jim Gooch for the last two days and after reading their prepared statement and their words of "trust and acceptance are earned and cannot be demanded or imposed" .... I'm done, you Felicia and Jim disrespect us. You have never been to my store, you have never called me. You disrespect my staff and their hard work. Tilton 59 is done with you. I worked today... My day off, yes Store Directors are off on Tuesdays, I worked to support my staff, to answer questions, and yes to protect them. With no respect intended, you Felicia and you Jim are clueless. The Board of directors that hired you should be criminally prosecuted for allowing you to bully us and for the fear you have spread. I'm not afraid anymore. I'm shutting Tilton 59 down Wednesday in every sense of the word. One cashier should be able to handle our business. I'm done with your threats, Tilton 59 associates are done as well. 330 people work with me... You have 330 security guards that work FOR you. Come get the perishable truck you sent that's at the dock unloaded... It will rot before we unload it. My wife and two boys will be outside my store with me Wednesday. I invite my employees to join me. I invite you Felicia and Jim to witness first hand another of your failures. We are not the peasants you think we are. We are all MB educated. We are experts in what we do. We are feared and respected worldwide. You have failed...Artie T is coming back... Kindly close the door on your way out of town.........again....Mike LeClair Store Director Tilton 59, Tilton NH. No more fear or bullying from you in this store. Time for you to go home. Feel free to send this note to the board as well, I’m not afraid.
Live free or die!! Sad that so many people will lose their jobs but how awesome to be so dedicated.
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