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Old 05-16-2014, 07:02 PM   #32
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A little clarification on the issue. Copeland's initial comment was verbal and it was overheard by private citizen Jane O'Toole. Given the verbal nature of the comment and the fact it was a private conversation, in a public venue, we can debate whether political correctness has gone too far. etc. However, Copeland's response to Ms. O'Toole's complaint was IN WRITING! The following excerpt from Copeland's WRITTEN response follows and is taken from this week's Granite State News: "I believe I did use the "N" word in reference to the current occupant of the Whitehouse. For this I do not apologize - he meets and exceeds my criteria for such." There are other goodies in Copeland's letter to O'Toole but I think this comment gives everyone a flavor of his incompetence. Basically Copeland's written response is quite similar to Donald Sterling's follow-up interview with Andersen about stupid!!

The issues I have beyond the obvious are as follows:

1) The town of Wolfeboro is now highly susceptible to lawsuits brought by any minority who is apprehended by the Wolfeboro police for a crime;

2) What is happening with the Wolfeboro police department? A former commissioner was apprehended for a massive drug smuggling crime. A couple years back another Wolfeboro officer was fired fired for stealing drugs from the police department evidence lock-up and now Copeland's comments. Clearly, my conclusion is the Wolfeboro police department is out of control.

3) If the average corporate executive said anything remotely similar to what Copeland said he/she would be terminated within 24 hours. Look at what is happening to Sterling. He is going to have $1Billion of his private property liquidated for a comment he made in the privacy of his own home. Yet a public official like Copeland cannot be terminated. Give me a break. This is what drives me nuts about government it is like some God given right that government workers can't be fired, can't have their pensions changed, etc., etc. That is what bothers me most about this incident. Government at the national, state and local level is out of control and it needs to be fixed or we are all doomed.
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