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Old 05-16-2014, 09:45 AM   #7
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I was 7 years old. My Mom and Dad took me and my four siblings to Dari Maid in Center Harbor for some ice cream. I remember it like it was yesterday. At that age, I had never seen so many police cars responding to an incident. It was loud and chaotic. It was obvious from that parking lot in Center Harbor that something major was going on and this was in a period of time where you didn't see these events played out on TV 4 times a day. Back in those days, everyone in our small little town had one of those police scanners in their homes. I vividly remember coming home from Dari Maid and listening to that scanner all night and being really scared. I'm pretty sure it was a Friday night. After two or three hours had passed, no one knew where the suspect was and at one point they pulled a car over thinking they had the suspect. I can still see myself sitting on our kitchen floor listening to the scanner to every detail when they had that car pulled over and hoping that the whole thing was over.They found the suspect in a sandpit just over the NH line in Maine the next day with a self-inflicted gunshot to the head. It's crazy how vivid that memory is to me.
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