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Old 03-27-2014, 08:59 PM   #83
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Man and I thought I could misplace my keys, that's wild.

Originally Posted by riverat View Post
This was 32 years ago shortly after my (then) future wife and I moved into our first apartment, a one room effeciency. The room was 24 X 24 feet with a portable divider (like in offices) seperating the sleeping area from the rest of the room. Anyways I returned home from work and met a friend outside and invited him in, we walked in and I tossed my keys on the dining table like always. My wife was sitting on the couch and my friend was standing by the door talking to her while I went to the fridge to get a couple beers. I walked back and noticed my keys were not on the table and asked where they were and they insisted they did not touch them. We searched that room from top to bottom then and several times after because those were my car keys, house keys and work keys, did not find and had to make duplicates and change some locks, a real pain.
Oh, did I mention there was a pretty good sized cemetery behind this house. Well about a month later on a nice spring day we(the same three) were walking through the cemetery as we sometimes did, and I happen to look a couple of rows over and notice something on top of a gravestone, and as I got nearer I realized it was my keys sitting there. On top of a marker that belonged to a dead relative on my wifes side, talk about goosebumps.
I don't go looking for this stuff but it seems to find me anyways, so yes I believe.
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