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Old 10-03-2013, 12:55 PM   #37
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Wink "New" History...

A new pamphlet available at the Wolfeboro Library shows a number of B&W photographs of Wolfeboro Neck. As of this date, the Library has run out of the pamphlets; however, I believe our ever-ready membership will prove to be resourceful in locating other copies.

I just learned the following pamphlet photos were assembled by member Camp Guy and camp-friends, and that the pamphlet photos can be posted freely here.

The first is an assemblage of airport-friendly gals--including the earliest photo I've ever seen of Eleanor Horn. (2nd from left).

The floatplane is undoubtedly the same Taylorcraft floatplane that kicked around Wolfeboro Neck for four decades. I'll have to check on the Internet history of NC 29188.

Hmmm... Didn't it end up at the top of a nearby White Pine tree with a flight-instructor at the controls? I do recall the pilot's name, but why "visit" that particular piece of information?

Second-up, an early aircraft-engine Iceboat "invention" made by Merwin and a friend. The photo includes both friends, but I'd have to guess that Merwin (Left ?) looked very different in the 1930s.

The third photo taken from the above pamphlet is of a Kitty Hawk floatplane discussed elsewhere at this forum; however, the site in the picture is not the "Lakes Region Airpark" at Wolfeboro.

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