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Old 06-03-2013, 06:50 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by tis View Post
They get used to everything. That is the problem. I have decided a barrier is the only thing to keep them out. We do have some of that reflective tape (that is really made to keep birds away) and hung it around (didn't make a fence out of it though) and even the birds were scared of it at first, but soon got used to it and made a nest right beside a length of it! But I am always open to new suggestions, so if you hear of any more, let me know. I put my three plastic swans out this afternoon which will scare them for a few days I hope. Today they were not here. ????

Neighbor has them set up as a barrier, about a foot above the ground. The fencing I mentioned before works well though. The geese like to be able to run to the water unimpeded. Especially as they moult and can't fly that well. Be aggressive in shooing them away too. Don't slow down as you charge them, they act tough but they are chicken if they know you are not afraid of them. (You might run into a super brave one, I ran into one before but I had a boat hook in my hand, took all I had not to dispatch it, I just moved it along with the boat hook, once they realize you are not screwing around they leave.) I keep roman candles around too, aim right over their heads, but they get wise to that quickly and will run as they see you after that. I keep that stuff around in case the fence falls down. Good luck.
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